
Run php locally using VS Code (Windows)

How to run php locally using VS Code (Windows)

1. Install the following VS code extensions

2. Download php

You will find php.exe inside the downloaded folder.
php exe

3. Add php path to Windows Environment Variables setting

3.1 In Windows setting, search Environment… in the setting
3.2 In User varaibles for this account, click Path, then Edit...
3.3 In the pop up window, click New, then add the folder path of php.exe
Add php path to Windows Environment Variables setting

4. Add the php.exe path in VS code setting

In the setting.json of VS code, add the following line (change the path to your php.exe path)

"php.executablePath": "C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\Tools\\php\\php.exe",

5. Done! You will find PHP Server: Serve project options when you right click on php file.

VS code - PHP Server: Serve project



文章作者: ouoholly
文章鏈接: https://ouoholly.github.io/post/windows-run-php-using-vs-code/
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